LEIGH Town Council has been branded a “absolute shambles” by its former chairman as it is revealed a new locum town clerk is to be appointed at a cost of £1,600 for a four day week.

Conservatives, who took control of the previously non-political council in May, have come under fire for a series of issues in the six months since.

Long-serving town clerk Helen Symmons was suspended in August, a costly audit of the council’s financial affairs was launched and now a second locum town clerk is set to be appointed following the departure of the first.

Former council chairman Keith Evans said: “It appears there is another temporary clerk being put in situ. Meetings are a shambles if they take place.

“I feel sorry for the residents and people like myself who invested a lot of time into trying to do the best for the residents of Leigh.

“It just seems to be an absolute shambles. It’s just been absolutely ruined by politics. It’s lost its way.”

The financial audit, which cost the council £1,000 has not uncovered any wrongdoing in any of the council’s accounts and transactions.

An HR company appointed to investigate Ms Symmons at a cost of £2,800, has yet to reveal its findings. In the meantime she remains on full pay.

Lib Dem Carole Mulroney, councillor for St Clements ward, said: “Personally I think it’s really appalling the way it’s being run from all aspects from staff, from things not being done for residents. They haven’t actually done anything of any substance since May.

“Minutes are not being produced. The cost of the new locum is going to be £1,600 a week. People are very angry. They’re angry at the position Helen is in which has gone on for four months. It’s outrageous for anybody to have their life put on hold like that. They are angry about things not being done, angry about the money its cost for a locum and an audit report that found no fault.”

Asked if Ms Symmons was still being paid, Ms Mulroney said: “Of course. She’s innocent until proven guilty.”

Bernard Arscott, chairman of the council said the cost of the locum would be met from reserves and a cheaper deal with a new HR company meant the council was actually saving money.

He added: “We want to get matters resolved as quickly as we possibly can. It’s not good for the town or the council and it’s not good for the town clerk. We want it resolved by the end of November at the latest.”