A TEENAGER came within inches of serious injury after a thug hurled a brick through the window of a home – narrowly missing the 14-year-old. 

Shane Foster, 33, his girlfriend Kelly Hanlon, 38, and her son Mitchell Lowe, of Sutton Road, were left in a state of shock on Saturday after the brick smashed the window and flew into the front room. 

The family have said they are now “living in fear” after the incident and are petrified the home could be targeted again. 

Essex Police have launched an investigation into the incident, which took place at roughly 1.20pm on Saturday. 

Shane said: “Mitchell was in the front room at the time, and I was upstairs in the bedroom when I suddenly heard a loud shatter of glass.

“I quickly went downstairs to make sure he was OK.

“I immediately went out in my car, drove around the block to see if I could spot who had done it, as well as knock on doors to see if there was any CCTV footage.

“Thankfully, there was footage of the person doing the incident, and this has been reported to police.

“About six or seven hours later, forensics came round to collect the brick.

“The window is now boarded up, but we’re all shook up and scared to be living there at the moment.”

In the immediate aftermath of the incident, the 33-year-old put out pleas on Facebook asking people for any information they may have in connection with the incident, and neighbours have passed him CCTV footage of a car fleeing the scene. 

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We received a call shortly before 1.30pm on Saturday reporting an incident of criminal damage in Sutton Road, Southend.

“It was reported a brick was thrown through a window.

“Officers were on the scene a short time later and conducted an area search.

“Our investigation into this matter is ongoing.

“Anyone with any information or footage which could assist our inquiries is asked to get in touch.

“Please contact us quoting crime reference number 42/206300/23.

“Visit www.essex.police.uk/digital101 to find out more about our website reporting services.

"Alternatively, you can call us on 101. If you would like to make an anonymous report you can contact independent charity Crimestoppers, by visiting their website or by calling 0800 555 111.”