AN UNLIT Wickford street has been compared to a scene from an “eerie Jack the Ripper” film by a concerned resident who is demanding action.

Lee Johnson, 37, of Park Drive, has lived in the area for 12 years but has become concerned as eight street lights on his road have been out of action “for months”.

Essex County Council is responsible for street lighting in the area and Lee says he has reported the issue to the council “a handful of times” to no avail.

Lee said: “It gets darker earlier and it is dark when I leave in the morning. On my way to my girlfriend’s house in Shotgate there are certain spots at the underpass and through The Wick that are pretty dark.

“It’s not too bad when one light is out but if it’s three in a row it leaves a massive black patch.

“I’m a big six-foot-four bloke so I can’t imagine anything worse for a vulnerable person. Thinking about other people, it just feels a bit unsafe.”

Lee made his concerns known on Facebook where other residents shared their stories with one resident “almost hitting a pedestrian” when reversing in the dark.

He added: “My neighbours have also been speaking about it too. One of them has been burgled twice although the items have since been recovered.

“They live opposite a street light that’s been out. I’m not saying they were burgled because of the street lights but it does give the burglars a bit of an advantage.

“With the council tax we’re paying monthly you’d like to think more is done to make sure the streets are safe at night.”

Despite the responsibility lying at a county council level, Wickford Independents councillor Eunice Brockman has reported the issue several times and shared her support with residents.

She said: “Last night I drove home along the A127, the lights were off along there too and it does make you feel rather uneasy.

“For me it’s about the safety and security of the residents in the towns and, of course, the drivers as well.

“However I do understand it is cost driven, so perhaps the solution would be to go back to part night lighting ie every other light on the A127 and then every light on in the towns.”

Essex County Council was contacted but did not respond at the time of going to press.