THE family and friends of a Southend man stranded in hospital in Thailand are desperately pleading for help to fund his treatment and get him home. 

Dean Penson, 41, has been in hospital since November 19 and doctors have found a “problem with his blood” and fear he may have leukaemia. 

His best friend, Ben Page, from Leigh, has flown out to Thailand to help Dean and has spent more than £1,600 on treatment, which has included two blood transfusions. 

However, Dean did not take out holiday insurance before the trip and now Ben , 41, has launched a fundraiser in a bid to help fund further treatment. 

Dean travelled to to Thailand on November 6 to take part in a “combat charity challenge” to take part in martial arts sessions with experts. 

Michelle Singer, 43 of Gifford Road, Benfleet, and a mutual friend of Dean, said: “We’re so worried about him and are desperate to get him home.

“He was rushed to hospital after falling ill. Doctors said there was something wrong with his blood and there could be leukaemia.

“Dean’s eyesight started to go, and he still can’t see very well due to a bleeding behind his eyes.

“His mum is ill at the moment so was unable to get out there, so his best friend Ben, who he’s known since ten, is with him.

“Due to Dean not having holiday insurance, Ben has spent more than £1,600 to help him.

“Now, he has set up a GoFundMe to raise more money to help Dean and get him home to his family and friends.”

On Thursday, Ben launched a fundraiser and so far, £2,555 has been raised out of the £9,750 target, with £100 being received first.

The top donation received so far is £200.

One donator that gave £25 said: “Let’s get Dean back home as soon as we can.”

Another person, who also gave the same amount, added: “Hope you’re home and on the mend asap mate.”

To donate to Ben’s GoFundMe crowdfunder, visit: