A DRIVEWAY is set to be torn up after residents concreted over a grass verge outside their home close to the A127. 

Southend Council's development control committee has been recommended to approve enforcement action against the home, on Arterial Road, in Leigh, after the driveway was created without planning permission. 

Stephen Aylen, non-aligned councillor for Belfairs, said the homeowners should have applied for planning permission and claimed issues like this are becoming more regular.

He said: “We’re getting this all the time  people digging up grass verges and putting in concrete so they can park on it. The grass is there for a reason.

“The council has a certain specification to ensure the pipes underneath don’t get broken by the weight of the vehicle. It makes sure the services and the pavement don’t collapse.

“People don’t realise because they don’t go through the process. The council isn’t just being awkward - the planning process is there for a reason.”

According to the report, published ahead of Wednesday's meeting, the hardstanding, steps and boundary walls are recommended to be entirely removed. 

It says the land should be restored to its condition before the breach took place, including by raising the ground levels, replacing the hard surface with soft landscaping, creating access steps and erecting retaining boundary walls.

Mr Aylen added: “The problem is people have got 10-foot driveways and 15-foot cars. People trying to get past with mobility scooters and pushchairs have to go into the road.

“There’s no thought for the services underneath. So many residents are unhappy when someone concretes over their grass verge.”

The planning application was previously refused as officers determined it was not in keeping with the surrounding area, especially since it lacked any soft landscaping.

Due to the impermeable materials used in its construction, and the angle at which the hardstanding is, there would be a significant increase in surface water run-off discharging into the Highway, leading to a “significant impact” on highway safety.