CRIME and anti-social behaviour will be tackled as soon as it breaks out when Southend’s trail-blazing CCTV van is upgraded to add a live stream to the city’s control room hotspot.

The van, which roams Southend’s streets with a set of cameras to spot problems and identify troublemakers, currently records footage to be played back at later date. 

However, it is now set to provide live footage so police and community safety wardens can respond instantly and urgently to trouble as it breaks out across the city.

Work on the upgrade is set to be completed by the “close of the financial year” and has been welcomed by residents, councillors and Southend West MP Anna Firth.
Echo: CCTV Van - inspector David Gardiner, Essex Police and the Southend community policing team (middle) with members of the community safety teamCCTV Van - inspector David Gardiner, Essex Police and the Southend community policing team (middle) with members of the community safety team (Image: Southend Council)

Carolyne Goodall, 54, of Woodlands Park, Leigh, said: “It is a step in the right direction to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in Southend.

“When my older children go to Southend, I feel a sense of fear about it because of things you hear, such as attacks.

“However, hearing the upgrade will allow the 24/7 monitoring to be more responsive does give me that bit of reassurance that we are heading in the right direction to keep Southend streets safe.”

Echo: Monitoring - Southend CCTV control roomMonitoring - Southend CCTV control room (Image: Southend Council)

Southend Council is the only authority in the East of England to have a mobile CCTV van, which was introduced in April. 

The van is currently used twice a week to target anti-social behaviour, crime, and flytipping hotspots, as well as during major events. 

Ms Firth said: “The mobile CCTV van is a fantastic vehicle, currently deployed twice weekly to identified hotspots throughout Southend, which is the only local authority in the Essex and East London region to have such a solution available.

Echo: Visit - Anna Firth and Roger Hirst with the mobile CCTV vanVisit - Anna Firth and Roger Hirst with the mobile CCTV van (Image: Anna Firth)

“As of October 2023, all crime has decreased by 10.9 per cent – amounting to 2294 fewer offences – and anti-social behaviour incidents have decreased by 47.5 per cent.

“I praise our incredible officers and welcome the van very much, which will go a long way towards combatting offences committed where there is no CCTV.

“Now CCTV can be used, the work of the police will be made easier.”

A spokesman for Southend Council said: “The mobile CCTV van is a unique asset that several other local authorities do not have.

“Its presence underscores the ongoing dedication of Essex Police and Southend Council to ensuring safety in Southend.”