A WESTCLIFF pub which shut to the dismay of residents is set to make a return under new management within weeks, it has been revealed.

Gray and Sons, the brewery behind the Cricketers, in London Road, closed in June when the Corallini family handed back the keys after ten years as landlords.

Now, a spokesman has confirmed to the Echo the popular pub and music venue will re-open under new tenants in “December or January”.

It will remain under the same name.

Southend Labour councillor Matt Dent, who has previously called for the pub to re-open as a matter of urgency, welcomed the news.

He said: “It’s amazing. It would be great for the area. It used to be my local and I have many a good memory and it’s extremely popular and successful. It’s great to hear it will reopen.

“The common story about pubs is about them going under and the idea this is bucking the trend, and it will reopen as it was really great, I am personally very happy as I used to live around the corner. It has a really great atmosphere.”

Southend resident Paul Dean, 72, who worked at the Cricketers as a live music promoter before the pubs closure, added: “It’s certainly good news. My connection was to put on the Sunday sessions, which I’ve taken to the Plough in Westcliff now. However, I am always coming from the angle of keeping live music going in the area. I’ve been a promoter for 25 years and it is another venue, it is a good thing for this to happen.

“I’ve always been in the business of keep live music open, for the love of the art. It is a very good thing for live music.”

Since the Corrallini family stepped down, Gray and Sons, has consistently stated the pub would re-open once new landlords were found to operate the business.

A Gray and Sons spokesman confirmed in a phone call with The Echo that the massively popular pub and venue, in London Road, Westcliff, would make a return in the new year.

The spokesman said: “New tenants will be coming in December or January. We have no guarantees for certain about an opening date but we hope to get it open soon and back under The Cricketer’s name”.