A YOUNG boy was reportedly left with head injuries, a broken nose and in need of eye surgery after being struck by a car as he crossed a zebra crossing. 

Freddie-John Winter, who is just seven-years-old, was making his way home with his brother Kaiden, 11, after doing a quick shop at Tesco Express in Dovercourt.

During the journey home, on November 20, Freddie-John travelled on his scooter across a zebra crossing on Main Road.

In CCTV footage obtained by the boy's mum, Francesca Louise Torpey, a car can be seen leaving the nearby roundabout before hitting Freddie-John just as enters the road. 

The driver is then seen immediately coming to a stop before putting on their hazard lights as others rush to the aid of Freddie-John. 

Echo: Approach - The young boy can be seen on his scooter coming up to the crossingApproach - The young boy can be seen on his scooter coming up to the crossing (Image: Public)

Echo: Footage - Moments before the car struck the boy on the zebra crossing Footage - Moments before the car struck the boy on the zebra crossing (Image: Public)
According to Francesca, an ambulance which was heading to another incident in Clacton saw her son on the ground and immediately stopped to help him.

He was subsequently taken to hospital where he spent four nights recovering from his injuries, which Francesca says included three head injuries, a broken nose and cuts and bruises.

She also says he needed major eye surgery. 


“We got discharged on Thursday, so he was in hospital from Monday to Thursday," said Francesca.

"I chased up the police and apparently they had closed the case because there wasn’t enough evidence.” 

Francesca decided to investigate herself and was able to obtain CCTV footage which captured the incident. 

She added: “I said, well, that’s funny, if I managed to get video evidence, how come the police haven’t managed to get video evidence?

“Now they have reopened the case and sent it to the traffic police, and they are doing further investigation. 

“It had to take me to go and get the video and watch it over and over again, something I didn’t want to watch anyway because it was my child.

"It shouldn’t have been me, the police should have gone.” 

Essex Police bosses have now confirmed an investigation has been launched.

A spokesman said: “We were called to reports of a collision involving a car and a child shortly after 5.15pm on Monday 20 November, in Main Road, Dovercourt.

“The child, a boy, was taken on to hospital, where he was treated for a head injury which was thankfully not serious or life-threatening.

“Anyone who witnessed an incident or has dash cam footage of it should get in touch.

“Please cite incident 849 of 20 November."