NEW data has revealed Southend ranks among the worst areas for uninsured drivers in the UK.

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) released figures ranking the 15 worst spots across the nation in terms of uninsured drivers as part of an annual road safety campaign.

Southend ranked 12th and the MIB launched Operation Drive Insured in partnership with police forces to get uninsured drivers off the road.

Paul Farley, National Law Enforcement Manager at MIB, said: “Every day we see innocent road users suffer at the hands of reckless uninsured motorists who never should have been on the road in the first place. 

“Tackling this issue isn't just about getting people to pay premiums –we know those who deliberately flout the law and drive uninsured cause more collisions too. So it’s about making roads safer and fairer for everyone. 

“We work closely with the police throughout the year but there will be an even greater focus on tackling the issue during Operation Drive Insured.”

Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is hit by an uninsured or hit-and-run driver and tragically, each day at least one person suffers injuries so severe they need life-long care.  

The MIB is working with its partners at the National Police Chief Council, the National Roads Policing Operations, Intelligence and Investigation and the Operation Drive Insured Campaign to tackle the issue.

During the week of action which ended on November 26, police forces used the motor insurance database which has a national record of all motor insurance policies to see if drivers were insured.

The MIB’s team also liaised with forces and insurers to confirm the insurance status of vehicles.

Uninsured drivers can have their vehicle seized and potentially crushed, receive a £300 fixed penalty notice and six points on their licence.

Furthermore, they could face court and receive an unlimited fine and a driving ban.

The MIB estimates all injuries caused by uninsured and hit-and-run drivers potentially costs the economy nearly £2.4 billion a year in emergency services, medical care, loss of productivity and human costs.