A SOUTHEND pre-school “does not fulfil their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding children” as Ofsted inspectors rated it "inadequate".

The education watchdog visited Giggles Pre-School, in Central Avenue, on October 13, where they found staff members assigned to take the lead role for safeguarding “do not know the procedures to follow to respond to allegations about adults working with the children”.

Even though the pre=school aims to provide all children with the “best possible start” in life, they found they “do not interact purposefully enough with children to promote their focus on learning”.

It comes after their November 29, 2022, “requires improvement” visit where inspectors found that staff have a “good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe” and are aware of the procedures to follow.

The report, published on November 29, said: “The provider has failed to ensure that staff designated to take the lead for safeguarding understand about keeping children safe from harm.

“This compromises children's welfare.

“There are weaknesses in the quality of education.

“Staff do not ensure that all children are given the attention and teaching they need to achieve their full potential, although they know the children well and are clear about what they want their key children to learn next.

“Staff are not deployed effectively to ensure that all children receive the support that they need.

“This means children do not benefit from rich learning opportunities that help them gain the skills they need to be ready for school.”

At the time of the inspection, 26 two- to four-year-olds were on the roll of Giggles Pre-School.

However, staff and parents say the children enter the pre-school “happy and settle quickly”.

The report added: “They have formed secure bonds with staff, who explain the rules to children and praise them for their positive behaviour.

“Staff have been working in partnership with the local authority since the previous inspection and have started to make some improvements.

“For example, they have reviewed how they organise the session. Therefore, children benefit form more time to engage in free play.”

The Echo contacted Giggles Pre-School for comment.