A CREATIVE dad has completely transformed the inside of a caravan inspired by Lego to help raise money for charity. 

Douglas Rea, of Colchester, previously purchased a tired and well-used caravan and has painstakingly and lovingly replaced the inside with a Lego theme.

In July this year, Douglas Rea, his partner, and their son Alyx Arnett, and family friend Alan, started stripping, removing sections, building, painting, and creating the interior of the caravan with Lego.

The ambitious project contains numerous pieces of Lego and was started to support the charity, RallySport Engineering Academy Colchester.

Echo: Exterior - The Lego themed caravanExterior - The Lego themed caravan (Image: Public)

Echo: Interior - A photo of one side of the caravanInterior - A photo of one side of the caravan (Image: Public)

Douglas explained why it is so important for them to raise money for the organisation.

He said: “We have created this Lego caravan to take up and down the country to events so that we can hopefully raise funds for the amazing people that are Rallysport Engineering Academy Colchester.

“They support students that don't get on at school, students with autism, ADHD, and behavioural problems.

“We're all better at some things than others, and the charity supports practical hands-on learning and enables the student to leave with a college level qualification. 

“It’s very close to our hearts with both friends and family involved, seeing first-hand the positive affect it is having on their lives.”

According to Douglas, the organisation does not receive much funding and they would like to raise £3,000 for the RallySport Engineering Academy so the funds can go towards an updated common room and providing equipment.

Echo: Project - The caravan will have more work done to it in the futureProject - The caravan will have more work done to it in the future (Image: Public)

Echo: Fun - every minor detail is Lego themedFun - every minor detail is Lego themed (Image: Public)

Every aspect of the inside caravan is Lego themed, the outside exterior is green, it literally looks like a large lego brick.

The inside is equally colourful and has colours ranging from red, yellow, orange, green and a Lego brick themed flooring.

Maggie Rea, Douglas’s mother, is extremely proud of the hours of hard work the little team has put into creating the vibrant and quirky caravan.

She said: “They’ve worked really hard on it, putting everything they’ve got into it.

“Every hour they have had spare, they have put into the caravan, it is just amazing, it looks so good.”

To donate to the project head to tinyurl.com/2p9cdk55.