FROSTY weather has settled across South Essex lately, sparking the question of whether we can expect snow anytime soon.

While parts of the UK have experienced snow over the weekend, South Essex has been left uncovered.

Looking at the predictions from the Met Office, the weather for the next few weeks in Southend and Basildon can be seen.

A number of weather warnings for snow and ice are in place across the UK, but some slightly warmer temperatures are predicted for South Essex.

The prediction for Southend and Basildon is light rain on Monday, an overcast day on Tuesday, partly cloudy conditions changing to sunny intervals on Wednesday, cloudy and light rain on Thursday and Friday and an overcast day on Saturday.

There are talks from the Met Office of colder spells towards the end of December, however, there is currently no mention of snow forecasted.

In the prediction for the end of the week into next week, a spokesman for the Met Office said: “A transition to milder, wetter and windier conditions is likely to have spread to most of the country by Friday.

“By this time the main chance of any snow becomes more restricted to high ground in the north.

“However, the change in conditions may take until the weekend to reach the far northeast with wintry showers remaining possible here.

“Thereafter, a continuation of generally unsettled conditions is most likely through mid-December with spells of heavy rain and strong winds for most areas at times.

“Temperatures are most likely to be around average though with some milder spells, more especially in the south.

“Colder interludes remain possible but likely shorter-lived than the current period and probably more restricted to the north.”