Hundreds of women are expected to march along Southend High Street tomorrow, calling for an end to gender-based violence.

Organised by domestic abuse charity Safe Steps and Southend Council, the “Reclaim the Night” event is being held as part of the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism. The global annual campaign calls for the prevention and elimination of gender-based violence.

A women-only march will take place from 5.30pm along the High Street, from The Ironworks to the Odeon.

Those marching will demand the end of sexual assault, rape, and all forms of men’s violence and harassment towards women and girls.

Councillor Helen Boyd, Southend councillor responsible for education, told the Echo: “Historically, there has been pressure on women for them to be responsible for their own safety and take steps to diminish themselves so as not to attract attention.

“While there have been many improvements in attitudes recently, there is still more to do.”

Southend Council is also working towards its Domestic Abuse Housing Accreditation, so frontline housing staff can identify the signs of possible domestic violence situations and discreetly signpost residents to help.

An information stand inside The Ironworks will provide detail about White Ribbon, the UK’s leading charity for teaching men about the harmful attitudes, systems and behaviours which affect women.

The global campaign runs until December 10.