A TEAM of determined staff from a garden centre in Hockley have completed an action-packed triple challenge on Mount Snowdon to raise over £10,000 for charity.

Lisa Durham, assistant manager; Linda Hare, supervisor, and Natalie Hasler, sales assistant, all from the Riverside Garden Centre, took part in the gruelling one-day challenge featuring a 17km cycle, 4k kayak and 14km climb at Mount Snowdon.

The trio raised £10,100 for Havens hospices, and The Stroke Association - causes close to the hearts of Lisa, Linda and Natalie.

Lisa Durham, assistant manager at Cherry Lane Riverside, said: “Havens Hospices and The Stroke Association are two charities which have provided great help and support to us and our families and friends.

"We wanted to do something by way of thank you and chose a challenge that would really push us – the cycle, kayak and climb certainly did that. 

"The weather conditions were not on our side on the day, but we were determined to carry on and do what we set out to do.

"Thank you to our colleagues and customers who sponsored us and helped us to raise this fantastic amount of money.”