THE dad of a boy with severe brain damage has launched an urgent campaign to get repairs for a lifeline group’s building.

The Basildon SHARE club is a special needs care group on The Fryth, Fryerns that runs a variety of clubs and sessions for children and young people with learning disabilities from ages five to 25.

But the club has called its Basildon building “cold and expensive” and expressed a need to attract funding to ensure the club is good enough for their large groups.

Tony Sealey, 55, and his wife Dee, 50, are campaigning to get the building improved to help the club, where their son Bobby, 10, has attended since the age of four.

Mr Sealey said: “My son, Bobby, had a stroke at four days old and he goes to the SHARE club.

“You walk up to it and feel sorry for the people that run it, a lot of children are there, and they have been trying for years to get something done.

“It needs sorting out, the building looks so tatty, and it doesn’t look right compared to what other places are, it needs a new build or something, it’s stuck in a corner.

“It just needs an update, there are plenty of kids from Glenwood School on Thursday, the girls at SHARE do a fantastic job and not everything is modernised, I just feel for them deeply and I want to help them out.”

Mr Sealey said SHARE had been transformative for Bobby and hoped it would continue to help children long into the future.

He added: “I’ve been using SHARE for Bobby since he was four to five years old. He goes on Saturdays and during the holidays. They have so many kids and there isn’t room, they also need a bigger place.

“Bobby is ten now and the SHARE club has been excellent, he enjoys going there a lot.”

SHARE CEO, Michelle Westernhofer, said: “The building is like a prefabricated building, its rotten, the walls and the roof have been overlaid and we have some roof sealant, but the floor is starting to move and the interior needs to be redone.

“We have frequent leaks, its drafty, it’s cold and its expensive to heat, it would be nice if we could knock it down really.”

If you can help contact the group on 01268 521691.