FIREFIGHTERS have tackled a blaze in Shoebury which is believed to have been caused by an incense stick.

Southend crews were called to an incident in Wakering Road on Saturday at 12.25pm.

Crews used Breathing Apparatus to enter the property as it was smoke logged.

Firefighters believe the fire was caused by an incense stick which was knocked and began smouldering on dust sheets.

Mark Petty-Mayor, watch manager, said: “As the resident was leaving his property, he accidentally knocked the burning incense stick over with his coat.

“They were decorating so it fell on some dust sheets and began smouldering.

“Luckily, 15 minutes later, his relative popped by to drop off his dog and found the smoke alarms going off, with a lot of smoke coming out of the property.

“This incident could have been a lot worse if his relative didn’t stop by.

“During the festive period, a lot of people will be burning incense sticks, wax melts and candles, but you need to be careful not to leave them unattended and not to have items nearby that could catch fire.

“With incense sticks, they need to be properly stubbed out. 

“It only takes an ember to catch nearby items alight.”

The Essex County Fire and Rescue Service has issued safety advice around candles, such as never leaving candles burning unattended or burn them in a well-ventilated room, but avoid drafts, vents or air currents.