A SOUTH Essex charity has secured a Government grant worth thousands to help transform a former Canvey military site into a thriving community space.

Trust Links, which provides a range of mental health support in the region with projects for adults, young people and families, has received a £300,000 levelling up grant from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

This money will help turn the Gunny, off West Crescent, into a welcoming space for the community to enjoy workshops, play areas, outdoor gym facilities, as well as environmental conservation.

It comes as the charity is working with the Canvey Big Local, a volunteer group, to make the plan a reality.

In a Facebook post by Castle Point Conservative MP Rebecca Harris, she said: “A massive well done to Trust Links Charity and their volunteers for securing a £300,000 levelling up grant from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to help deliver the Gunny Project on Canvey.

“I was very impressed with the grant application, and it was a pleasure to support the application to the department.

“I know how important the Gunny Project is to many islanders and how much effort had been put in to realise it.

“I am pleased that this money will be added to what is left of the Canvey Big Local Million to ensure the project can be delivered.”

During the Second World War, it was an anti-aircraft gun battery and barracks and by the 2000s, it was a muddy marsh.