THOUSANDS of bees have been removed after shocked residents spotted a huge nest in their garden.

A bees’ nest measuring at least two feet wide, with thousands of bees buzzing around it, was spotted by resident Julie Taylor in a tree outside her home in Rayleigh Road, Thundersley.

The 61-year-old initially thought the hive was a discarded Chinese lantern, when she first saw it “in the gloom of the night”. 

Upon closer inspection, husband Mick, 62, confirmed it was a bee’s nest.

Echo: The 'huge' nest was spotted in a tree.The 'huge' nest was spotted in a tree. (Image: Julie Taylor)

Julie said: “It was such a big swarm. There were quite a few thousand bees.

“It was huge. I don’t know how we missed it. You’d expect to spot it straight away, but with Christmas and my husband being ill, we’ve been distracted.”

Although they were not doing any harm, Mick and Julie were concerned a February cold snap could wipe the bees out. 

Echo: Thousands of bees could be seen 'squirming' when they were disturbed.Thousands of bees could be seen 'squirming' when they were disturbed. (Image: Julie Taylor)

Julie posted photos of the nest to a Thundersley Facebook group, in the hope someone would know what to do.

Neighbours recommended beekeeper Daniel Simbrey, from Rayleigh-based Love Bees, who came over “straight away”.

Julie added: “When Daniel started to move them, the bees really came to life. 

Echo: Beekeeper Daniel removed the hive from the tree.Beekeeper Daniel removed the hive from the tree. (Image: Julie Taylor)

“He reckoned they had a really good chance at survival, even though their resources were depleted. We caught them at the right time.

“He told me to stand back as the bees tried to attack him when he started pulling their nest apart.

“Daniel was definitely the saviour of the day!”

Echo: The bees were safely moved to a temporary container for transportation.The bees were safely moved to a temporary container for transportation. (Image: Julie Taylor)

It took around six minutes to safely dismantle the nest and move them to a temporary container.

Julie said: “It was a really big nest, with five chambers inside. It’s the fourth nest we’ve had this year, but definitely the biggest. We’ve had three other bees’ nests and a hornet’s nest. I don’t know why we attract them.”

“We weren’t frightened at all. If you leave bees alone, they’re generally not a problem. We need bees. If you destroy all the pollinators, our food supplies will dry up.”