PLANS to build 49 new homes are set to get the green light despite concerns over the impact on traffic in an “already congested” area.

If approved, the plans for homes on green belt land behind London Road, Wickford, would see an abandoned home on the street demolished to create a new access route to the proposed development.

Eight objections have been made by neighbours raising concerns over “overdevelopment of the site”, “lack of car parking”, “dwellings out of character”, “lack of local infrastructure”, and “impact upon the transport network”.

However, Don Morris, Conservative councillor responsible for Wickford Castledon, could see some of the positives of the development.

He said: “I have looked at that land round the back there and it is a complete mess. There are old barns falling down and everything.

“So, it isn’t an example of the usual green belt. So, I am quite happy with what they are putting in as they aren’t putting in masses of housing either.

“They have just put in enough to make it worthwhile for them.

“I think the quality of design is important to look at too.

“The house at 200 London Road is going to be pulled down so there will be a road on to a major road. But to be honest, it is no more than what we have got all the way along there anyway and it is a 30-mph zone.”

Concerns have also been raised by Wickford Town Council around the access from the site to London Road due to traffic volumes.

They state: “Concerns with the current proposals for access to the site.

“London Road is a key route into the town and is congested at peak times, the proposals could see queues of traffic back onto the estate, the sight lines for drivers pulling out onto London Road, this is an issue at other existing nearby junctions.”

Plans will be debated on at a Basildon Council planning meeting on Wednesday and officers have recommended the plans are approved ahead of the meeting.