A HUGE £50million incinerator which will burn waste from across the county is set to the green light despite major concerns about the impact on neighbouring residents.

Essex County Council has recommended Clearaway Recycling’s plan to build an “energy recovery facility” at the Burnt Mills Industrial Estate, in Pitsea, are approved at a meeting on Friday.

The incinerator would feature two huge chimneys and burn landfill waste which will be delivered by the truckload from across Essex.

The firm already operates a recycling plant - which was at the centre of a blaze on Friday - at the industrial estate.

Major concerns have been raised by councillors and MPs around the impact on air quality, and the health of residents if the incinerator goes ahead.

Resident Emma Shrubb, 43, added: “I am against this, I think it is an awful idea. We have Pitsea tip, we had a wastewater plant, and now this, why do we have to have all this in our area.

“I think it is forgotten that people have to live here. It is time for another part of the county to have their share. We already have bad air quality being sandwiched between A127 and A13, now this as well.”

Pitsea councillor Craig Rimmer has repeatedly spoken out against the plans stating, “we have had enough”.

He added: “I am totally against this. If I am allowed to, I plan to speak against it on Friday. There has been a fire in that area already, what happens if there is another accident with this incinerator.

“It is ridiculous to put it so close to residents with the emissions against it. All of this is going to make air quality worse in an area."

Mr Francois said: “I am totally opposed to the plans for an incinerator and always have been. But I am also opposed to the way in which this has been handled. How many Essex residents even knew about this, let alone had an opportunity to voice an opinion?

“Every south Essex resident who opposes this idea should now contact their county councillors urgently - their emails are available online - to give them their view, before it is too late.”

Colin Morris, nearby resident, and councillor at Bowers Gifford and North Benfleet Parish Council, has been against the plans for years.

He said: “I am still against this, it is not suitable and I believe a potential threat to public health. There are potential emission problems, and traffic movements too.

“I accept we need these types of facilities but not in this location near residential properties.”

In response, Essex County Council stated a consultation has taken place.

A spokesman said: "We have undertaken public consultation over this application in accordance with planning law, as well as our own statement of community involvement.

“The comments received will be fully taken into account before any decision is made by the committee. This includes a letter from local MPs.”

Paul Whitehair, Clearaway director, added: “This planning application has been five years in the making and we have been open with the local community throughout the process. The proposed development represents a huge step forward in local environmental management: it will direct waste from local businesses away from landfill and into a sustainable source of heat and power.

“Energy facilities are highly regulated to ensure that they do not have negative impacts on their surroundings and the regulations which apply, monitored and controlled by the Environment Agency, should give the local community great confidence in our scheme."