A HOMEOWNER could be ordered to demolish a garage built without planning permission in Westcliff.

The owner of 66 Westcliff Park Drive, Westcliff, constructed a three metre wide garage which projects two metres in-front of the property and past its boundary.

It includes a covered walkway, which was also built without planning consent.

A report to Southend Council’s development control committee said efforts to resolve the issue over the timber framed garage failed and a retrospective planning application was refused in June last year.

Planning officers concluded the structure was “unacceptable and harmful for the design and character and highway safety reasons”.

The garage is covered in cladding and includes a “rudimentary balustrade” - which could be used as a handrail - that planners said was incongruous.

The breach was discovered after the council received two complaints alleging that the garage had a flat roof and enclosing balustrade, with the possibility of this being used as a terrace.

A report to the committee, which will meet on Wednesday, said: “The impact of the extension is exacerbated by its timber construction and materials and the rudimentary balustrade both of which are incongruous.

“It was found that the development significantly harms the character and appearance of the host dwelling and the street scene more widely contrary to relevant planning policies and guidance.”

The report adds: “The garage does not meet the minimum adopted internal space for a garage of seven metres by three metres or for a parking space.

“There is no vehicular access to the garage. No access was proposed as part of the 2023 application, so it may in practise be used for domestic storage purposes rather than garaging vehicles, especially given its neat dimensions.”

If the garage was accessed by vehicles the report said they would need to bump up the kerb and cross the footpath.

It said: “This risks harm to pedestrian safety and may cause damage to the footway surface increasing such risks further.”