PLANS for the redevelopment of the town centre post office block are just weeks away from being submitted, it has been revealed.

The council acquired the site – next to the town’s new Empire cinema complex – in June 2019 before bulldozing the block.

Last January, the council revealed the details of the scheme and provided a first glimpse to residents.

Now, 12 months on, the Echo understands the 52 flats plans could finally be submitted in February.

The flats will be split across ten storeys.

Officers are also exploring options to work with residents to develop a community-led regeneration initiative to “green the town centre” and distinguish the town centre as a prime location.

Councillor responbile for economic stimulus and tourism, Craig Rimmer, said: “This is a plan to deliver affordable homes in a prime location. It would be great for younger households starting out and getting their own home.

“It will be close to the cinema, which is opening soon, and to the shops.

“It is in one of the hotspots in Basildon, in terms of residents, the Orletto lounge, Caspers and the cinema and shops are all nearby.

“It is very much a key piece in the jigsaw puzzle for regeneration. Basildon residents will come first, and it will give them their first step and become their first rung on the property ladder.

“This application is a key stage. We have to get on with this in the next four years. It is all about getting that agreed and we will go ahead when it is most appropriate.”

Mr Rimmer added that plans for “greening” the town centre are “still being formulated” and may allow for moveable planters and the creation of a green space.

He said: “While there is a lot of construction work going on, it is important to keep the town centre attractive.”

Plans revealed in the prosperity scrutiny committee 2023 to 2024 report state that “the planning application for the project is being finalised in order to submit by early February 2024”.