RESIDENTS have welcomed plans to add a splash of colour and greenery to Southend’s grey seafront.

Southend Council, Anglian Water and the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, are calling on residents to voice their views on the £2 million Marine Parade plan.

The scheme will see the creation of special gardens that collect, treat, store, and use rainwater. This will also help tackle flooding issues.

Jill Carrington, 44, moved to Southend with her son seven years ago and has backed the plan.

She said: “I love it. It is an ingenious way to sort the current flooding issues and pretty the place up in the process.

“It is lovely to see more green spaces being made available too. It will look so much more inviting. I can’t wait to see it.

“I know flooding has caused a few issues lately, so if this helps, then what a great way to do it.”

Southend resident Wojciech Nocun, 27, added: “We should support this.

“I think that it is a very good idea.

“Our city needs regeneration in a green way. Of course, we have got green spaces, but Southend’s main areas lack greenery.

“This plan will change this, make the area more sustainable, and also give us some shade during the summer too.

“Also, it will help accumulate water from rain and protect during the floods.

“We should have this project approved and also extended for other parts of the seafront.”

However, Chris Fox, from Westcliff, didn’t think it would fit in well with the seaside.

He added: “I have had a look at the proposed plans and find them a little lacklustre. I don’t think they really fit well with the theme of the seafront.

“I would like to see some action taken in regard to improving the area. Honestly, I think the best idea would be to reduce what we have down there, rather than increase.

“The area across from the Kursaal would make an excellent area for a lido, an inland beach, with cleaner water and sands, which is less affected by the tide and the weather.”