Plans for a new ambulance depot which will slash waiting times and “improve health outcomes” in and around Basildon are set to be officially unveiled this year.

The “fantastic” new facility is set to be built on Nethermayne, close to Basildon Hospital, and will see ambulances maintained, fixed and refuelled on the site daily. 

Plans for a new ambulance depot have been in the works since as early as 2021 and will be built on land connected to Basildon Golf Club. 

In 2019, the site was at the centre of plans for a new hotel, however the project never got off the ground. 

Now, a senior councillor has said a planning application for the ambulance depot is due to be submitted “by September”.

Craig Rimmer, councillor responsible for economic stimulus, described the new ambulance base as “great news” for Basildon.

He said: “It’s going to be a bigger, better facility.

“It can only improve ambulance response times and deliver a better service for the area.

“Essentially, it will be cost neutral for the council in the long-term and it will actually make the council money.

“It’s a good partnership between the NHS and Basildon Council. It is likely to provide income.”

Previously, leaked documents revealed a huge contract between the NHS and council would last 30 years. It would cost the NHS £115,000 a year in rent, making the council £3.4 million in total.

An updated figure is set to be provided at a later date, Mr Rimmer says.

He added: “It’s an investment for the public and the council that will help health outcomes for the people of Basildon and the wider area.”

However, Kerry Smith, independent councillor for Nethermayne, says the base should have been built “years ago”.

He said: “This was up and ready in 2021, but the Tories have just been twiddling their thumbs in my opinion.

“That’s money that could have been earned by the council. Just get it done.”

Additionally, Mr Smith says space on the five-acre site could be used for other purposes.

He added: “Many of my constituents would rather keep it has a greenfield site but would be content with an ambulance base. Personally, I would like to see more parking for the golf course and overflow parking for the hospital on there.”