A WOMAN living below an Airbnb claims she has been forced to endure the sound of “constant parties” that have impacted her sleep and mental health.

Sally Bailey enjoyed living in a “quiet block of flats” in Charleston Court, Pitsea, until four months ago when the flat above hers was listed on Airbnb and listed for short term stays.

Since, she claims the flat has been rented out to different groups almost every weekend and has been repeatedly used for parties with music being played through the night.

Sally, who lives in the flat with her four-year-old daughter, says the issue has had a “terrible impact” on her sleep and she avoids letting her daughter play in the garden because the flat above has an overlooking balcony.

A spokesman for property manager, Pass the Keys, stated it would look to “resolve the issue” after being contacted by the Echo with Sally’s concerns.

Sally said: “This started last year, I do not know who is up there and I never know what they are doing. I’ve been here for four years and there was once an older woman who lived up there, then it was unoccupied for a year.

“I see people come and go and no one told me this would be an Airbnb, one night I saw two men taking drugs there, people drink alcohol and are constantly banging.

“I had a leak at Christmas because the toilet was broken during the constant parties.

“I cannot get away; every day we get new people and there must have been more than 90 so far.”

The lifelong Basildon resident says the issue has made her want to leave the home she previously adored.

Sally added: “I can hear everything, suitcases coming and going and even dogs which have been up there. There is no consideration because visitors don’t live here, they don’t care that I can hear the noise at night. It is so stressful. I do not need it and it is making me ill.

“I don’t want to live here.”

The Pass the Keys spokesman said: “We have reviewed the historical complaints and feedback received for this particular property and we do not have any records to show that there have been any issues submitted to us to investigate or resolve.

“As we have been made aware we will endeavour to make contact and work with both parties to find a satisfactory resolution for now and the future.”

An Airbnb spokesman said: “We are looking into this matter.

"Our dedicated 24/7 Neighbour Support line enables anyone concerned about a listing to contact us at any time, and we investigate all reports received. 

"The overwhelming majority of our community are respectful neighbours and travellers, and we take action on anyone who violates our policies."