A FRUSTRATED mum fears being “pushed to the back” of Basildon Council’s housing waiting list as Brooke House residents are “prioritised”. 

Rachel Mulldon, a single mum, has been on the waiting list for eight years and is in “desperate” need of accommodation for her and her 13-year-old son, Declan.

For seven years, they were forced to share a bunk bed in her elderly parents’ dining room before being moved to a one-bedroom flat where Rachel, 38, sleeps on the sofa.

The council has offered Rachel and her son the flat permanently but she believes it is unsuitable.

Now residents are being moved out of Brooke House into council accommodation during a £16million refurbishment, Rachel fears an even longer wait.

She said: “It’s frustrating. I’ve felt stuck for a long time, and now people moving out of Brooke House are going to get rehoused first.

“People keep getting in front of me. When is it going to be my turn? I’ve waited eight years.”

Rachel also believes new rules introduced by the council which allow her to remain in an “unsuitable” flat with her son have “hit reset” on her wait. The council is satisfied her case is being handled correctly amid “extreme demand”.

Echo: The single mum feels 'stuck' in 'unsuitable' council accommodation.The single mum feels 'stuck' in 'unsuitable' council accommodation. (Image: Rachel Mulldon)

The 39-year-old, who works at the New Holland tractor plant, said: “I’m depressed, have no dignity or private life and feel discriminated against because each time I have complained, the council seems to make my life more difficult or come up with new rules to suit itself.”

Growing tensions between Rachel and her parents put such a strain on her father he “ended up having a stroke”, she claims.

Rachel added: “I felt guilty. I didn’t want to move back in with my parents, but I didn’t have a choice.”

A council spokesman said: “Demand for social housing across the country has grown significantly due to the cost-of-living crisis, reduced landlord availability in the borough and limited social housing.

“The council is satisfied Ms Mulldon’s application has been dealt with correctly in accordance with the Allocation Scheme. Due to the extreme demand for social housing at present we are unable to predict when she will be rehoused in larger accommodation.”