The total number of Essex homeless households placed into temporary accommodation outside their area has increased significantly.

Essex County Council heard people in the county are being rehoused as far away as Bradford and Grimsby – with numbers moved "out of area", increasing by 9.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2023/24 to 251 – 40.6 per cent higher than a year previously.

The problem has been exacerbated by homeless people outside of the county, especially from London, being moved into Essex and taking up accommodation meaning local people can end up being sent further afield.

One of the main concerns of this has been the disruption and distress caused to vulnerable people after being moved far away from their social and support networks.

In Chelmsford, of the 470 homeless families, about 120 are being housed outside of the district.

At the same time, county councillor and the chairman of Essex Health and Wellbeing Board John Spence said he had heard a “whole street” was bought up in Chelmsford by an out-of-district authority.

He said: “It’s just a displacement they’re causing. I’ve got one near me where a whole street’s been bought. So where do those people go that would previously have been in that social housing? They end up not in the city.” 

To help mitigate the pressures being felt on housing authorities members and officers from Essex County Council and Basildon, Epping Forest, Harlow and Tendring councils have represented Essex in discussions with London.

An agreement has now been reached to notify Essex councils of any person or family being moved out of London into their area.

However, there still remain issues around payments and inspections to ensure the suitability of properties.

Ian Davidson, chief executive of Tendring Council, said: “There are two things which haven’t been agreed from all the asks. One of which was payment and obviously I think if I’m really honest that was kind of slightly optimistic to ask. But it was a starting point.

“The other one was around the inspection of properties. And that has been a much more serious issue.

“That’s still a part of the discussion but that is a part of the discussion more around the qualifications and who’s paying and who’s going to do what rather than it’s going not going to happen. So I think that that is a significant move.”

Mr Davidson added: “To have got to the point where all London council agreed –  and that’s not been an easy journey I can tell you –  of itself is actually a huge step forward.

“It’s a curate’s egg. it’s good in parts in terms of this progress.”