RESIDENTS and councillors are insisting two broken sets of streetlights are repaired as a matter of urgency after a “terrifying near-miss” at a pitch-black zebra crossing.

Julie Moon, 59, was “almost hit by a car” using a zebra crossing in Daws Heath Road, Thundersley, last week and fears she was “almost invisible” to the driver because of broken street lights at the crossing.

Now Julie is joining councillors in the area in demanding the street light, as well as a second set of streetlights on the same road, are fixed as a matter of urgency.

Essex County Council has insisted it is working with UK Power Networks to carry out repairs.

Julie said: “I walked down from Hadleigh to the Woodman’s Crossing and I noticed it was pitch black, I waited until it was clear both ways and got two-thirds of the way across and a car sped down from Rayleigh Road.

“He didn’t see me, I had to jump back because I would have been under his wheels if I hadn’t.

“It was really scary. The driver couldn’t even have stopped because he turned at such speed.

“I was really shaken, it was such a near miss, and I would have been knocked over if I hadn’t moved. It is a really bad crossing and I am now looking out to see if it has been repaired.”

Victoria ward People Independent’s Party councillor, John Knott, has been campaigning with fellow ward councillors, Rob Lillis and Warren Gibson, for repairs.

Mr Knott said: “A car has previously crashed into a garden near this location and yet four months after numerous emails to Essex County Council, they remain unlit.

“The lack of action from them is indefensible and the residents of Castle Point deserve so much better.”

Mr Knott claims it is a regular issue in the area with “multiple street lights” out of action.

He added: “We feel the Essex County Council have fobbed us off, we are being inundated with concerned people.

“We are hoping to raise pressure through meetings to do our absolute best to get these dangerous junctions fixed.”

A spokesperson for Essex Highways said: “We are aware of an issue with a dead power supply to a street light and bollards in Daws Heath Road/Western Road, Benfleet.

"The issue is currently with UK Power Networks to complete the necessary repairs. We are liaising with UKPN to ensure the works are completed as soon as possible.”