THE parents of two boys who tragically died are preparing to take their new hard-hitting awareness campaign highlighting the dangers of “social media challenges” to schools across the country from September.

Lisa Kenevan, from Basildon, and Southend’s Hollie Dance met with campaigners and MPs in Parliament this week to help push forward plans for their campaign.

The mums are currently working on producing a hard-hitting video featuring the sad stories of their children which they will present to schools and parents, alongside hosting workshops with pupils.

Lisa’s son, Isaac, was just 13 years old when he died after taken part in an “online choking challenge”, while Hollie’s son Archie Battersbee, 12, died after a “prank or experiment” which went wrong.

Both Lisa and Hollie met with Southend West MP Anna Firth and South Basildon and East Thurrock MP Stephen Metcalfe on Tuesday at Parliament.

Following the meeting, Lisa said: “We will be rolling out a hard-hitting video for September, we have been talking with the Internet Watch Foundation along with Safer

“We are making a name, as the parental awareness campaign, we want the primary angle and fundamental part of this campaign to be our five-minute hard-hitting video which will also have online safety tips.

“We want parents to think ‘my god, this could happen to me, I need to have a chat with my child and make sure they are comfortable if they see something inappropriate.’”

Lisa added the parents are hoping to go into schools across the country to present the hard-hitting video centred on their experiences to pupils during assemblies in September.

They hope to “demonstrate how what happened to Isaac and Archie can happen to anyone if more awareness isn’t spread”.

Lisa added: “We had a meeting with speakers for Safer Internet Day. Various internet safety organisations were there and there were young people present there too, so we heard their concerns.

“Children were concerned about the social media algorithm, they get bombarded with negativity and the secondary school pupils were concerned about how boys are perceiving and how girls should be acting and sharing images online, “There was also worry about online bullying and fears of age verification.”