FURIOUS residents have vowed to fight plans for 117 new homes on green belt in Wickford.

Radka Webb, 45, is uniting residents into a campaign group in an attempt to convince Basildon Council to throw out plans for new homes in London Road.

Crest Nicholson submitted the plans, centred on former farm land, at the start of the year but residents fear it will have a huge impact on traffic in the area.

Ms Webb, alongside her neighbour, has drafted a letter of objection and is campaigning for as many residents as possible in the area to submit a copy to Basildon Council.

She fears that this will be the first application of many if plans are approved.

Ms Webb said: “I and 15 other London Road residents came up with 23 points of objection.

“Green belt is the main topic for is, but the real issue is that if you look at the plan, documents state this is only phase one.

“We don’t know what stage two, or stage three could be. We need to nip this in the bud.”

The residents also have fears about the impact on nature and wildlife living on the site.

She added: “We have slow worms, badgers and bats and we have owls – from every angle this is wrong.

“We believe this will be urban sprawl, we are near a notorious junction and the emergency services struggle to get into the area.

“The agricultural land is not a total waste either, there is the physical look from the road, it is on a hill so the houses will crowd those driving down and us living here will suffer particularly.”

According to the homes, 40 per cent will be affordable and the properties will range from one to five bed.

Ms Webb is confident all the residents living in the area will support her.

She added: “We have had incredible support from down the street. We offer people to come to us and help write the letters and we take it back to them and hand deliver it.

“We have had a massive uptake, the elderly are not IT savvy and we have read points with them and help them change their letters. My telephone number is in there and we offer help with the online applications.”