A MAN who spray painted abusive messages on his ex-partner’s kitchen cabinets after an argument has been jailed.

Christopher Weedon, 30, of Waltham Road, Rayleigh, got into an argument with the victim where he became “aggressive” and displayed “malevolent behaviour” on September 4.

The victim described Weedon as “having a personality order” resulting in bouts of aggression and on this occasion, damage was done to walls, a plant pot was smashed and kitchen cabinets were sprayed with foul language.

Weedon was arrested on September 5 and admitted criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 on October 19.

He appeared in Basildon Crown Court through prison video link on Friday, February 16, for sentencing.

Richard Hearnden, prosecuting said: “Words including ‘slag’ and ‘cheat’ were sprayed across the kitchen cabinets and ‘I hate you’ was written on a cupboard.

“Mr Weedon gave a no comment interview to police officers on September 5.

“On August 5, 2022, Mr Weedon was sentenced to 20 months in prison for four counts of arson and one count of recklessness.”

Upon Weedon’s release he was recalled to prison for the latest offence of criminal damage in breach of his licence conditions and has been in prison since.

Joe O’Leary, mitigating, said: “Mr Weedon fully accepts the spray painting and that’s why he has pleaded guilty.

“It was unfortunately a real lapse in judgement which he accepts and understands.

“He also accepts the words he used were unpleasant but this was done on impulse, the spray painting wasn’t planned as the spray paint happened to be in the house at the time.”

Mr O’Leary added in Weedon’s letter to the judge he apologised to the victim and the judge said he wasn’t thinking at the time and had learned from the situation.

Recorder Nicholas Bacon KC said: “This was actually in my mind quite a nasty incident of criminal damage where you spray painted the kitchen cabinets with foul language.”

Recorder Bacon sentenced Weedon to three weeks in prison and he will serve half of the sentence.