A FRUSTRATED resident living in a Basildon tower block while struggling with a debilitating condition feels she has been “ignored” while her neighbours are being moved out.

Karen Bezer, 51, lives in a “leaky” top floor flat at Brooke House, a 14-storey town centre tower block which is set to undergo a major £16million urgent repair project. 

However, while a process to move all the residents out has seen the building get “emptier and emptier” in recent weeks, Ms Bezer is still waiting desperately to leave.

Echo: Leaks - Ms Bezer faces water 'running' down the walls of her flat.Leaks - Ms Bezer faces water 'running' down the walls of her flat. (Image: Karen Bezer)

After living in the block for around nine years, she said: “I just want to get out. I’m not asking for a palace; I just want somewhere liveable.”

Ms Bezer suffers from life-limiting rheumatoid arthritis in her legs, hips, and hands, so she uses a stick to aid her walking. Living on the top floor, Ms Bezer admits she sometimes struggles to get in and out of her home.

She added: “I have the agility of the Titanic. It really is painful.”

Echo: Frustrated - Karen Bezer feels ignored despite being a 'priority' to be moved out, due to living on the top floor.Frustrated - Karen Bezer feels ignored despite being a 'priority' to be moved out, due to living on the top floor. (Image: Ben Shahrabi)

Ms Bezer has experienced persistent leaks in her flat for the last six years, living directly under the roof which is awaiting repair. She was told she was a “priority” to be moved out, due to her conditions and issues with her flat.

She said: “When I heard we were having to move out, I thought ‘oh my god, it’s finally going to end’.

“My ceiling’s falling down in places, which has been reported to the council, and I’m too scared to use the lights in my hallway when it rains.

Echo: Damage - Ms Bezer says parts of her ceiling are 'falling down' due to the persistent leaks.Damage - Ms Bezer says parts of her ceiling are 'falling down' due to the persistent leaks. (Image: Karen Bezer)

“I’m not trying to make life difficult for anybody, I just feel I’m being ignored.

“Everyone else is moving out. The building’s getting quieter and quieter.”

A Basildon Council spokesman said: “We have been in regular contact with all residents of Brooke House to understand their housing needs and discuss the decant process. 

Echo: Brooke House - all residents are due to be moved out of the building so a £16million repair project can begin.Brooke House - all residents are due to be moved out of the building so a £16million repair project can begin. (Image: Ben Shahrabi)

“We will complete the programme as quickly as possible and expect additional properties to become available for Brooke House tenants as we move through the spring and summer. We are extremely grateful to residents for their patience and support.

“We encourage residents to report any repairs through the normal repairs channels.”