Coastguard and lifeboat crews searched launched an urgent search on Southend seafront after two missing children were last seen near the water.

The coastguard in Southend was tasked at 6pm yesterday for the two missing children and proceeded to Jubilee Beach, while Southend RNLI's lifeboat hovercraft was launched to search the waterline.

Upon arrival on scene the RNLI hovercraft reported that they had spotted and recovered two children from the water off of Jubilee Beach who were matching the missing descriptions.

They proceeded to the beach where they were met by coastguard officers.

The children were checked over but thankfully did not require any further medical assistance and were met by their worried mum, who was brought to the scene by Southend police, and the family were reunited.

A HM Coastguard spokesman said: "No one was at fault but shows how easily with crowded beaches how children can go missing.

"We always suggest taking a family selfie when arriving at your location which can be shared if any one goes missing, agree a designated meeting point with your family just in case and, if you are able, obtain wrist bands from Southend Pier and Foreshore Office at Pier Hill entrance where you can write contact details.

"Alternatively, if you see any of Southend Coastguard team on patrol please ask if they have any wrist bands with them to share.

"Should you see anyone in trouble on or near the coast, don’t hesitate to dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard, you could save someone’s life!"