TWO teenage boys have been arrested after a boy suffered a puncture wound during a fight involving school children.

Police were called to Springfield Drive shortly after 2.30pm yesterday after reports of a fight involving a number of Chase High School pupils. The incident took place away from the school site.

Officers were quickly at the scene and found a boy had sustained a wound. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

Thankfully, his injury is not life-threatening and he is in a stable condition.

The Echo understands there was a police cordon in place for a short period after the incident. 

Two 16-year-old boys were arrested on suspicion of GBH and possession of a knife. They have both been released on conditional bail whilst our enquiries continue.

A spokesman for Chase High School said: "We are aware that there was an incident involving Chase High School pupils yesterday afternoon. The incident took place away from the school site.

"We are supporting the pupils and families involved as well as the school's community. The school or trust are unable comment further at this stage as there is an ongoing police investigation.

"The safeguarding of students at Chase High School is of paramount importance and if your child has any questions or concerns, or has been affected by the incident, they should speak to their relevant year team."

Police are urging anyone who has any information and has not yet spoke to police, to contact them.

An Essex Police spokesman said: "We have spoken to a number of people to get their accounts of what they witnessed, which has given us a picture of what led up to this incident.

"We would encourage anyone with information who has not yet come forward to speak to us to do so as soon as possible."

Submit a report on the Essex Police website at or by calling 101, citing incident 610 of 20 May.