New restrictions preventing children from “going to the school down their road” could see parents forced to quit their jobs or pay extortionate childcare fees, it has been claimed.

For the new school year, Essex County Council has included Rayleigh in the school catchment area for Riverside Primary School, in Ferry Road, Hullbridge.

As a result, Rayleigh and Wickford MP Mark Francois and green councillor Michael Hoy have raised major concerns that Hullbridge children are missing out on places at their local primary school because of the competition for school places.

They are calling for Essex County Council to reverse the decision, and county council bosses are now exploring how the intake for reception children can be increased this year.

Mr Hoy said: “One parent I have spoken to may have to give up her job, others have wraparound childcare, and they just cannot do that anymore. Parents who had a neighbour walking their child to school cannot arrange that any more.

“Children are being prevented from going to the school down their road. It really makes no sense to me as anything other than a cost-saving exercise. We have been told in the past that the school has room.”

As part of this process, Mr Francois raised the issue directly with Essex county councillor Tony Ball, cabinet member for education, and education director, Clare Kershaw.

He said: “They reassured me that they are now looking into this issue, and I hope a solution can be found, so that Hullbridge children can still attend their local primary school, which is already rated good by Ofsted, if that is what they and their parents wish.

“I am now hopeful for a positive decision on this during the summer term, in time for new admissions in the autumn.”

A spokesman for Essex County Council said: “We recognise that not all pupils who live in Hullbridge have been offered a place at Riverside Primary School for September and have been offered a school place further away.

“As a result, we are currently considering whether additional places should be made available at Riverside Primary School for the reception intake in September 2024. We are unable to comment further at this stage, however, should additional places be made available, the school and parents of children on the waiting list will be notified accordingly.”