Families facing difficulties in the Basildon area are receiving a lifeline from Basildon Parents 4 Parents.

The group was established seven years ago by mums who, having faced struggles themselves, wished to help others.

BP4P supplies essential support for local families dealing with issues such as their own or their children's well-being, managing school communications and cost of living challenges.

Funded through a £21,000 grant from the independent charity Essex Community Foundation (ECF), BP4P also helps the overlooked, providing a listening ear for common everyday problems.

Project Coordinator for BP4P, Jackie Stein said: "We call Essex Community Foundation our 'angels' because of the grants they have given to help us keep going and to set up new projects."

Notably, BP4P uses its funds to establish crucial resources like youth groups for neurodivergent young people.

Further grants information can be accessed at www.essexcommunityfoundation.org.uk.
