A PAEDO who admitted a string of sexual offence charges is due to be sentenced.

Harrison Hawkins had originally denied three counts of sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13, two counts of taking indecent images of a child, and one count of possessing extreme pornographic material.

The 37-year-old, of Kings Road, Laindon, changed his plea to guilty during his trial at Basildon Crown Court on Tuesday.

He was remanded into custody and will appear at the same court on July 17 for sentencing, Essex Police said.

The force launched an investigation in June 2020 after receiving reports of indecent images of a child on Hawkins’ phone.

Allegations of sexual abuse were put to Hawkins in November 2021 after the victim bravely came forward.

Hawkins was interviewed about these allegations and replied “no comment” when questioned.

Det Con Ian Burgess, who led the investigation, said: “This change of plea from Hawkins comes following the weight of evidence and strength of the case against him.

“The victim and her family have shown incredible strength and dignity throughout this very difficult time.”