A BINGO hall which re-opened after a shock nine-month closure has made a “regretful” decision to partially close its doors because of “very low admissions”.

The Rio Bingo Hall re-opened on Canvey earlier this year after a £60,000 investment from its new owners.

It had been closed since May last year, leaving many loyal bingo fans disappointed.

After the relaunch, co-owner Paul Austin-Roberts and manager Tracy Barnard told the Echo they were pleased to be open for business, with customers describing the bingo hall in Furtherwick Road as being “like a community”.

Echo: Top team - manager Tracy Barnard and owner Paul Austin-RobertsTop team - manager Tracy Barnard and owner Paul Austin-Roberts (Image: Elliot Deady, Newsquest)

But now, less than two months later, the team has made the tough choice to close its doors on one of their quietest days.

“Due to Wednesdays being a day with very low admissions, I regret to state that after today, Rio Bingo Canvey will now be closed on a Wednesday,” a post on social media said.

The team said they were heartbroken to announce the partial closure after “all the hard work”.

Bingo player Jane King previously told the Echo she was “gutted” when Rio closed because it was an essential place for older people on the island to meet and socialise.