SIR James Duddridge has given an emotional final speech in the House of Commons as he reveals he hopes to be “replaced by a woman” as he steps down ahead of election.

Back in November 2023, Sir James confirmed he would step down at the next General Election after 18 years.

The current MP for Rochford and Southend East has served as a Member of Parliament since 2005.

However, the Conservative MP said he had been advised to “retire and cut back on engagements” due to ill health.

This week, Sir James gave his final farewell speech in the House of Commons.

He said: “I want to thank the people who selected me and elected me. I must have been doing something right, because at each election, more people have voted for me than at the previous election.

“I jotted down a few bits of advice, but when I re-read them after hearing former Prime Minister talking about democracy and a former Secretary of State talking about defence and defence spending, they seemed a little low-level.

“This is my advice anyway. Let someone else manage your bloody email. It is absolutely dreadful and drives me mad. Eat less, and perhaps more importantly, drink less.

“Value family over politics, and do not covet others’ success; help them achieve that success.

“I will miss this place, and I say thank you to everyone who has served – in the broadest way – this House.”

Sir James Duddridge also thanked and praised his team including Pindie Fanibe who runs his office.

He stated: “My team have been fantastic. I call her the boss; every now and again, I am allowed to make a decision.”

Alicia Kearns, who is Conservative MP for Rutland, and Melton, praised Sir James for his time as MP and in reference to his praise for Pindie stated that “women do not come to this place without good men behind them”.

In response, Sir James expressed how he hopes he is “replaced by a woman” in Southend East and Rochford.

He added: “You are not going to make me cry. I thank my hon. Friend, and I do think we need to change whom we elect as candidates.

“For a number of reasons, I hope I am replaced by a woman in Rochford and Southend East – or Southend East and Rochford, as it is now called.

“I also want to mention my wife, because she worked for me, and also because I would get in trouble if I did not mention her.

"We have three lovely children, and I am going to spend more time looking after our new arrival, the one-year-old. It happens to be a Labrador dog, which is proving to be much harder than the children.”