ARMED police pulled a man from a car during a dramatic arrest as part of a firearms probe.

Drivers witnessed officers with guns and Tasers swoop on Golden Jubilee Way, Wickford, yesterday and pin down a 34-year-old man as they made an arrest.

Essex Police confirmed officers had followed the car after it was flagged as a “vehicle of interest”.

A 34-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of possessing a firearm and remains in custody being quizzed by officers.

The force have been unable to confirm if a firearm was found during the arrest.

A resident who was near the scene said: “I came down Wickford High Street and the police stopped at the Golden Jubilee roundabout, they sandwiched a car in and there was an armed response car there.

“Officers got out with their guns and threw the driver to the floor while aiming their guns at him.

“It wasn’t a random stop, that is how it looked to me.

“My wife was shaking after it, we had to move on back down the High Street quickly.”

Wickford Park Conservative councillor George Jeffery praised the police for taking action.

He said: “It is good to see the police being so robust and I am hoping that they can continue in that robustness.

“They have helped to keep people safe and less guns is reassuring, it increases safety for all of us and there could be a safety risk for all if the driver had lost control of the vehicle.

“Let’s hope the police continue to be this robust. The proof is in the pudding, it is one less slice of the pie to deal with.

“I hope they can continue.”

A police spokesman said: “At about 10.10am on Tuesday, June 11, officers detected a vehicle that was of interest on the A131.

“Officers followed the vehicle and brought it to a stop in Golden Jubilee Way, Wickford.

“A 34-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing a firearm.”