THE “daily challenge” of long queues could finally come to an end as a result of the new technology, Southend’s council leader says.

Daniel Cowan spoke just days before work starts to install new traffic light technology at pinch points across Southend to cut queues in the city.

The new technology, which will allow traffic lights to change colour depending on traffic flow rather than on pre-set timers, will be rolled out on Progress Road and Southchurch Road in coming weeks.

The project, which is set to cost £600,000, will see traffic light detector loops currently positioned under the road placed above the road to cut the amount of time drivers sit waiting at green lights.

The Kent Elms junction of the A127 and the Cuckoo Corner roundabout - a key junction which sees severe delays - have also been touted as potential locations for new technology.

Mr Cowan, Labour leader of Southend Council, said: “Work is progressing, officers are currently busy looking at where we can further improve the traffic and install the new technology.

“The main intent of this scheme is to deliver shorter journey times in all directions and to improve light performance. This technology will reduce the amount of downtime drivers spend at lights and keep traffic flowing.

“We face a daily challenge to cope with traffic and anything we can do to invest is an improvement that will be felt by motorists.”

Cabbie - the scheme has been backed by taxi drivers Cabbie - the scheme has been backed by taxi drivers (Image: Paul Leonard)

Conservative Kevin Buck, who was councillor responsible for transport when the funding was allocated earlier this year, believes the technology will remove “dead spots” where drivers can be left sitting at red lights unnecessarily.

He said: “Some of the more recently installed traffic lights on main routes do employ a new system, which detects traffic volumes and flows and adjusts timings accordingly.

“The majority of traffic lights do not, so this new funding, to allow more traffic light junctions to phase based on flows and demand, is a welcome move.

“It should remove the ‘dead spots’ which we see at lights, when all the traffic has passed through, but because of pre-programmed phasing, remain green when there is no traffic flowing through them.

“This should help to make the road network more efficient, ease congestion and speed up journey times, which I’m sure we all would welcome’.”