Here we go again. Another month’s rainfall fell overnight causing chaos and flooding around the roads on Canvey (Jan 26).

Ray Howard telling everyone there are still a few places where they are trying to improve defences, but we do have 14 pumps around the island, so we shouldn’t suffer any flooding. But the pictures show a different story.

Then we have Norman Smith telling us a water feature, possibly a stream, running down the centre of the high street as part of the masterplan, was a good idea. What we need is named shops.

After Friday’s rainfall and others like it, does he really think we need a water feature?

As an island, surrounded by water, I think we have enough water features to supply the rest of Essex.

Castle Point Council, with the Local Development Framework, wants to build several hundred new homes on the green belt without any consideration at all about what the people here want, or the effects these new homes would have on the drains and sewers, as well as road flooding.

Surely all the flooding must serve as a warning that the infrastructure must be totally overhauled before we get flooded from the inside, rather than by the sea.

Cllr Peter Greig
Canvey Independent Party
Wamburg Road

...With all this talk about building more houses on Canvey (which we don’t want), has anyone considered insurance?

We have just had a renewal for insurance, and while trying to get a cheaper quote, we tried several companies, and kept getting refused. This was because we are in a high-risk flood area. Has anyone else had this problem? Our property missed the 1953 floods, but we are still being penalised.

Seeing the floods in the Echo, surely that should tell someone our roads can’t take it.

Or do they want to re-name Canvey, Concrete Island?

B Scott
Canvey Road