A relative in the construction industry often boasted of its plan to push through “awkward” developments.

The first proposal, Plan A, was for something really obnoxious which no one would support and would stir objections.

Once the objections were well under way, out came Plan B, this being what the developers wanted to do from the outset.

It would still be contentious, but nowhere near as much as what they originally planned to do.

He even cited a case where Plan A was started and there was then a request to stop and go to plan B.

Basildon golf course as a development site for housing must be worth many times more than the proposed landfill site and golf course option, especially as there was already a falling demand for golf courses before the current economic decline.

Jack Barker, the company with the lease to run the golf course, is seemingly being propped up with council taxpayers’ money, while the green belt status has been called into question by allowing its use for landfill. I don’t play golf but would hate to see the golf course go because of its natural resources.

But I would prefer a well-planned, well-built housing estate to 85,000 tippers. Not to mention the benefit of the huge extra income to Basildon’s coffers.

Bob Rust
The Slades