I am one of the rogue motorists who park on the pointless, uneven grass verges.

With other rogue drivers, we park on the verges to allow more room and easier passage along the humped, tight, one-way systems.

The council and police use us motorists as a revenue- raising exercise. We are easy prey. The clampers just took it a stage further, got too greedy, charging much more than the council rates and fines.

Why would police bother arresting thieves, muggers and burglars, which cost them time and money, when nicking rogue motorists results in an instant payment demand and little administrative cost?

The grass verges have no use and should be concreted over, so motorists can park more securely.

Southend Council has spent fortunes on vanity road schemes without improving the infrastructure one bit. There are roadworks all over the town, yet nothing is done to repair the deepening potholes.

Len Lierens
Southchurch Road