A SURGE in reported sex crimes in Essex comes as a result of more victims coming forward to report offences against them, police say.

Home Office figures show there were 1,472 reports of Rape, indecent assault, and other sexually-motivated offences, up 35 per cent on the previous year.

Essex Police said the figures rose because more victims feel they are able to speak frankly and openly with officers about the crime against them.

The force also has new sympathy suites where special sex offence-trained officers can speak to victims in a more relaxed environment.

A new sexual assault referral centre also opened in Essex last week, where the victim can speak to the police and other agencies under one roof. This is an effort to make the whole process as simple as possible.

A form which officers use to record domestic violence has also changed to encourage reporting and now asks if victims have suffered similiar abuse in the past – leading to reporting of previous sex offences.

South Essex Rape and Incest Crisis Centre also believes the rise is down to better recording of offences by the police.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “Confidence in the police is improving. What we need now is confidence in the criminal justice system.”

But the charity still believes only 10 per cent of victims they see report the crime to the police.