Thanks to high-profile TV programmes featuring horticultural gurus like Alan Titchmarsh, Rachel de Thame, Charlie Dimmock and Diarmid Gavin, in recent years interest in gardening has increased rapidly, even being described as the new rock and roll!

Today the home garden has become an additional room' - a place for relaxation when the day's work is done - for eating alfresco and a fun place for children to play.

But also as a garden in the true sense of the word; a place where the beauty of flowers, shrubs and trees can be cherished and enjoyed.

As one of the county's oldest and foremost gardening clubs, Leigh Horticultural Society has been very aware of the changes in horticultural style.

Its committee has worked hard to cater for the more urbane needs of the 21st century gardener, whilst making sure that the requirements of the experienced members are also carefully nurtured.

This awareness has encouraged a remarkable increase in membership, especially from young families, who represent the future of our Society and benefit from the wisdom of the seasoned gardeners amongst the membership.

The society is keen to encourage members to exhibit their floral and garden produce at its four well-attended horticultural shows held each year.

The show schedule has been devised to motivate the most novice member into participating in the friendly, yet competitive ambience of the show bench, hence the inclusion of popular classes for patio containers, potted plants and hanging baskets, whilst also including classes to appeal to the more skilled exhibitor.

And, in addition to the horticultural classes, all shows include categories for arts and crafts, cookery, photography, floral arrangements and well-supported classes for children to show off their special skills.

One of the objects of the Society is to promote general horticultural knowledge and, to this end, a series of interesting talks and illustrated demonstrations - many of great assistance to the new gardener - takes place between late autumn and early spring.

Practical and sound advice on all aspects of flower and vegetable cultivation, garden design and exhibiting is included in the interesting season of meetings held once a month on a Saturday afternoon.

Many members appreciate the chance of spending a day in the company of other garden-minded folk and regular coach outings are arranged, visiting a variety of destinations, including well-known gardens and other places of horticultural interest.

The trips take place at weekends, enabling working members, especially those with young families, to join in these popular excursions.

As can be imagined, members of the Leigh Horticultural Society are very proud of their gardens and many are keen to share their enjoyment with other members and their friends.

In this respect, the Society provides an opportunity to visit a good number of gardens on its annual Garden Trail, giving visitors the chance to acquire useful tips and garden design ideas.

Members who find they are unable to attend all the Society's various meetings and shows are able to keep in touch with its activities via 'The Link', the Society's newsletter which is published and posted to all members every other month. As well as Society news, 'The Link' contains articles and features of horticultural interest.

Thanks to the affiliation of the Manchester Drive Allotments Society to Leigh Horticultural Society, members benefit from the competitively priced sundries to be purchased from the M.D.A.S. shop All-in-all, Leigh Horticultural Society, not only offers members a first class gardening club, but also a friendly social forum, with an extensive array of exciting and stimulating activities.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact the Society's Secretary, Charlie Ablethorpe, on 01702 711144 or email You'll be glad you joined.