I am responding to D Farrell’s rather venomous comments Lock Up Cyclists Who Ignore The Rules (Letters, June 14).

I am both cyclist and motorist and most days I cycle in and around Southend.

One reason for the conflict between the cyclist and pedestrian is in recent years the rule of the road has been diluted.

Once it was clear. Cyclists used the road and pedestrians the pavement.

This is now not always so obvious.

The problems with cycling in Southend are caused by the uncoordinated system of cycle routes, shared cycle paths and pedestrian footways and poor signage.

So, please do not instantly blame the cyclist.

The council’s piecemeal approach to the planning of cycle routes, some of which encourage riding on the pavement, can cause conflict between the cyclist and pedestrian.

In addition, it will not attract people to take up cycling, but just produce additional dangers for the cyclist and more frustrations for the pedestrian and motorist.

Tony Nathan