When Essex County Council proposed turning off street lights at night was first put forward, I reviewed the related papers, meeting minutes and submissions from the public.

The major plus point was we could see the stars at night and the council could improve its carbon footprint.

Interesting that none of this considers the real hazards to people trying to make their way back to their homes without any light.

We have essential service workers leaving from and returning home at all hours. We have nightclub workers and clubbers who, at best, will be travelling home at 2am and we are assured town lighting will be on to ensure no damage is caused.

No thought is given to people walking through dark streets and alleyways, with all the hazards that can present – simple stuff like walking into lampposts, railings, poorly maintained pavements, potholes, black bin bags and more importantly the potential attackers who will get additional advantage in dark places if this goes ahead.

When the moon is full there is some degree of light, but in all other phases the light is minimal and for around 8-9 days a month there is no light at all.

The Essex Police website and the Suzy Lamplugh Trust guidlines for people out at night is to ensure you keep in well lit places – not possible once you leave the town centre.

For once the council needs to forget targets and serve the public properly and ensure their safety by keeping the lights on.

Keith Barber
Clinton Road