Basildon Council says approximately £4.8million has been spent on clearing Dale Farm.

Most have just moved across to the legal site, which at a huge cost has hardly proved a solution to the problem.

The £25,000 Basildon Council will spend on a communal area in Vange for refurbishment of rubbish storage and recycling facilities seems in comparison a mere drop in the council’s coffers.

Vange has little if any money spent on it. Even a “revamp for Vange” came to nothing.

Vange residents have been protesting against plans to sell Kent View Recreation ground for housing for the past two years and is it no wonder as it’s really all the residents have got.

What Vange residents have shown is they want all of Kent View Recreation Ground saved and what they need is for some real investment into their area, which has been denied it for far too long.

Phil Jacobs