THE results of this year's Statutory Assessment tests have had a mixed reaction in Thurrock, despite local children showing continued improvement.

Standards are improving at key stage two, but this year's results are still "not good enough", according to Thurrock Council's Cabinet Member for Children, councillor Mike Revell.

He said: "I am pleased to see an improvement in maths and English. However, the comparisons nationally still leave us in the bottom quartile of results and this is just not good enough.

"We need to improve considerably to catch up with our neighbours and we have particular concerns with the low attainment of boys, particularly in maths."

The tests indicate pupil's English, maths and science abilities, with scoring from zero to level five.

Thurrock Labour leader, councillor John Kent, said the results were welcome evidence of "steady progress" being made.

He said: "They are a credit to the dedication of our school staff. Well done to them and the children."